Friday 8 August 2014

Producer Sued Over $2 Million Loan

                                                 'Jobs' 2013.

                   Mark Hulme, producer of the film 'Jobs' which was released on 25th January 2013 got sued over $2 million loan.According to the complaint, The Five Star institute, run by Mark Hulme sign a promissory note on a $2.65 million loan. As of this week, says the lawsuit $2.65 million is owed with interest accruing daily.
                   The five star institute and the Jobs film LLC are being sued for breach of contract, money had and received and unjust enrichment.For now, the plaintiff only seeks money.There are no demands to seize rights to the film.
             'JOBS': While exploring the film, you will come across so many astonishing things.                         Here's one. Steve Jobs is played by Ashton Kutcher(AK).So the first astonishing thing is that AK can do serious roles rather than the funny assholes.
                        The film opens in 2001 with a slightly older Steve Jobs(AK) introducing Ipod at an Apple Town Hall meeting.It then flashes back to Reed College in 1974, when Steve was dropped out of the college due to expensive tuition fees.Two years later, after coming back from India, Steve Jobs develops partnership with his friend Steve Wozniak(Josh Gad).
                         Then Jobs and Wozniak work on the computer(Apple I) built by Wozniak.They name their new company 'Apple Computer'. After disappointment of Apple I, Apple introduces its new computer, Apple II which is a massive success. Everything would have been perfect but that's when Steve's dark side pops up. Jobs used to fire employees for not appreciating his investment in using fonts. So, ultimately he got fired from the Apple. So, Steve started to work with some old pals. Soon after that he got an offer to be a consultant at Apple. He accepted the offer and soon becomes the CEO.
                            The film ends with the Jobs recording the dialogue for the Think Different commercial in 1997.
                         So that's what the story is behind Jobs... Well, unfortunately Mark Hulme got sued over $2 million loan,though.

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